Heat Up Your Relationship with Summer Dates

Summer is our favorite season for romantic dates. On those warm summer nights (or days) there is so much to do. It is a great time to revitalize and spice up your relationship: to stoke the fire of emotional and sexual intimacy, and to have fun together. So often, couples become focused on their careers and their children and put their relationship last or mindlessly allow their connection to drift away. With a little bit of planning, you can make this a summer to remember without breaking the bank.Here are ten of our favorite things to do:

  1. Pack up a picnic and explore local parks.
  2. Ride bikes on the bicycle trails.
  3. See an outdoor concert.
  4. Go rock climbing or hiking.
  5. See a drive-in movie; there are still some around.
  6. Go swimming together, without the kids.
  7. Visit area vineyards.
  8. Attend outdoor fairs and festivals.
  9. Go to a baseball game.
  10. Try new restaurants where you can sit out doors.

Make this a “hot” summer for you and your honey. It’s a great time to renew and refresh your love connection.We would love to hear your ideas about summer dates on our Facebook page.To your relationship,Lori and Bob Hollander


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