Three Steps to Handling Differences

You’ve heard the expression – opposites attract. We often see that in the couples we counsel. It’s common to find couples with complementary styles, e.g. the quiet partner with the one who is outgoing; the compulsive partner with the one who is disorganized; the relaxed partner with one who is more rigid.In relationships we either use these differences in a positive way to expand each other or we end up in chronic conflict around these issues. The key to handling these differences in a healthy way is to manage them with respect, patience and love and not to make each other wrong just because we are different.Here are three steps that will help you navigate your differences:• Face and embrace your differences.• Anchor your emotions.• Meet conflict with curiosity.Watch this video that was previously recorded for the Oprah Winfrey Network, to hear Lori and Bob talk more in depth about these three steps.Create a more intimate relationship using our most popular audio program below:The 7 Secrets of Emotional & Erotic IntimacyWe would love to hear your thoughts on handling differences on our Facebook page.To Your Relationship,Lori and Bob HollanderSign up for our monthly eNewsletter, Radical Relationships, to receive more tips and articles about relationships.


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