When Communication Gets Tough, Access Your Higher Self

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness. ~Deepak Chopra

When a conversation with your partner goes awry, there is a pivotal moment where you can move in one of two directions. You can respond as your "earthly self" with anger and defensiveness or you can pause and access your "higher self."The higher self is the noblest part of our "self": the part that responds with compassion to his partner's anger because he knows right beneath the anger is pain and sadness, along with a genuine need for connection.Learning to be more centered and less reactive when communicating with your partner is something that can be achieved if you work on becoming more conscious of your responses. If you and your partner work on discovering your higher selves, your communication will be much more productive.Watch our video about accessing your higher self and the opportunity to have more constructive and healthy dialogue.We would love to hear your thoughts about your higher self on our Facebook page.To your relationship,Lori and Bob Hollander


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